I think this is final!!!
studio blog
Rainbow lorikeet and ‘Rainbow Sunflowers’
A rainbow lorikeet appears to be nesting in our big gum tree – and the ‘Rainbow Sunflowers’ painting is progressing too.
Growing sunflowers
I have been growing giant sunflowers – more than 2 metres tall. My plan was to paint sunflowers – a few seeds in the vegetable garden and no more vegetables but massive sunflowers.
Started painting sunflowers now – ‘rainbow sunflowers’ now in progress

Beautiful day for painting
The Flower Garden is finished – fun to paint because it is so happy. The sunflowers and agapanthus have begun flowering and more flower painting to come!! Some of the giant sunflowers haven’t yet blossomed but are soaring up to more than 6 feet. The echidna is doing its rounds. Love nature!
Oil on Canvas
Beautiful day from the verandah studio
The painting progresses!!!
The flower garden progresses
My Flower Garden
I have begun this painting by using charcoal to sketch the little flowers I can see from the verandah – drawing in plein aire, so to speak. I don’t want this drawing to formulate the painting – even though I have sketched an idea, I want the oil paints to take over and dictate the composition. I think it is interesting to watch the progression of a painting, and sometimes it changes totally. The size of the canvas won’t change though – this one is 75cm by 90cm.
Garden flowers in pots
I have developed a new sense of interest in my garden flowers and vegetables. Most of the small flowers are in pots. I have always enjoyed cottage gardens and the rambling nature of them – I have tried to create that sense of randomness. I don’t know the names of all the flowers but love the pansies, geraniums, seaside daisies, succulents and the jade bush. I am using my garden in a new painting – to me the flowers give me pleasure and I want that feeling to be transported into my painting.
Pansies and Geraniums

I have been planting vegetables and seedlings in the garden – there have been lots of pansies growing and I always love geraniums. It inspired me to paint my view of the garden from the verandah and the kitchen window. Pansies have such happy faces and I wanted the painting to be filled with joy.
special visitor
This echidna often wanders around here – it’s fun to see the passing wildlife visitors.