This series was inspired by a dream of a painting of our White Duck. The White Duck just appeared one day on our dam …it was different to the others and I wondered where and how it had come to stay with us. The dream was about the journey of the White Duck.
My involvement with the White Duck led to my development of the series about soul mates. The White Duck and its Dog are soul mates. They signify the perpetual nature of soul mates and give me great pleasure, as I hope they give others.

“The Australian Dream” series was inspired by Australians and their iconography. My love of colour and the intensity of the colours of the Australian landscape were complimentary factors. In this series, marriage and the family home feature as being traditionally Australian. But the innate affection for the cattle dog, the “dunny-out-the-back” and the FX and FJ Holdens meant these icons also became features of the series. As the series progressed, the concepts of commonality yet individuality appeared. And for anyone who has ever had them … who can forget home-knitted socks!

Surprises is about my love of children and their wonderful imaginations. It is about the joyous excitement that occurs when young minds see things for the first time – whether it be real or fantasy. My plan for this series is to develop a children’s book with the at works as inspiration for the story.

“In search of the bluebird” is a series about the search for happiness. The crossroads of life influence who we are and how we perceive the world. People often search for the road to happiness… but sometimes it is already there and hasn’t been noticed… this series of works is a contemplation about the elusive bluebird…

“In the garden” is a series of mixed media and oil paintings.
This series shows all that is around me in the beautiful valley of birds in which I live. The supreme presence of the enormous gum tree is a magnificent home for many of the birds and a source of inspiration.

This series is about being on the inside and looking at to the future. It is about contemplation and the power of inspiration.